By entering the Royal FLORIA 2015 Floral Competition, I acknowledge that I have read, and understand the General Guidelines and Official Rules and Regulations, and agree to strictly abide, and be governed by them throughout the duration of the competition.
• I further understand that while the Event and Competition organizers ( PPJ and LFDA ) will exercise due caution in safeguarding competition exhibits, the organizers would not assume responsibility for injury or loss that may arise.
• I also agree to indemnify and save harmless the organizers, from and against, any liability, claim, loss or expense arising out of any loss, injury or damage to persons, property and competition exhibits whatsoever, which is caused by, arises from, or is in any way connected with participation in this competition.
• I give permission to the Event and Competition organisers to use any information in my application for publicity purposes in promoting and creating value for the enhancement of the Royal FLORIA Putrajaya Flower & Garden Festival 2015. I release title, claim and rights to any design and/ or promotional material on my competition exhibit for this said purpose.
Displays need to be Fully Completed between 9.00am - 6.00pm on 28th MAY 2015 ( Thursday ). Proper steps should be taken for handling All potted plants and fresh flowers must be maintained throughout the 10 days exhibition.